in <algorithm>
java.util.Arrays.sort(Object[] a)
list.sort(*, key=None, reverse=False)
stably sorts the list in place.sorted(iterable, *, key=None, reverse=False)
returns a new stably sorted list from the items in iterable
in <stdlib.h>
in <algorithm>
java.util.Arrays.sort(int[] a)
template< class BidirIt, class Compare >
constexpr bool next_permutation( BidirIt first, BidirIt last, Compare comp );
将范围 [first, last)
视为其所含元素的一种排列,若该排列在字典序(元素之间用 comp
比较)意义下的下一个排列存在,则将 [first, last)
置为新的排列,并返回 true
;否则返回 false
,并将 [first, last)
置于 sort(first, last, comp)
// Given an array nums of distinct integers, return all the possible permutations.
vector<vector<int>> permute(vector<int>& nums) {
auto ans = vector<vector<int>>();
sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
do {
} while (next_permutation(nums.begin(), nums.end()));
return ans;
template< class BidirIt, class Compare >
bool next_permutation(BidirIt first, BidirIt last, Compare comp) {
// 将 [first, last) 变换为等价的 [r_first, r_last)
auto r_first = std::make_reverse_iterator(last);
auto r_last = std::make_reverse_iterator(first);
// 从右向左,寻找最长的单调 range,记作 [r_first, left)
auto left = std::is_sorted_until(r_first, r_last, comp);
if (left != r_last) {
// [r_first, left) 中至少有 1 个元素的值“大于” *left,找到最“小”(原 range 最右)的那个
auto right = std::upper_bound(r_first, left, *left);
std::iter_swap(left, right);
// 交换后,[r_first, left) 依然为单调 range,且 *left 被尽可能小地变“大”了
std::reverse(r_first, left); // 反转后,[left.base(), last) 单调递增
return left != r_last;