概念 | 类比 | 定义 |
relation | table | 一组 tuples 之集 |
tuple | row | 一组 attributes 的取值 |
attribute | column | |
domain | 某个 attribute 的许可值之集 | |
relation schema | definition of a type | 一组 attributes 及其 domains |
relation instance | value of a variable |
概念 | 定义 |
superkey | tuples 不同则取值不同的一组 attributes |
candidate key | 没有真子集为 superkey 的 superkey |
primary key | 设计者选择用于区分 tuple 的 candidate key |
foreign-key constraint | 关系 $r_1$ 的属性 $A$ 的值 $=$ 关系 $r_2$ 的主键 $B$ 的值 |
referential-integrity constraint | 关系 $r_1$ 的属性 $A$ 的值 $=$ 关系 $r_2$ 的属性 $B$ 的值 |
概念 | 符号 |
relation name | title of the box |
attributes | listed inside the box |
primary key | underlined attributes |
foreign-key constraint | a single-head arrow from $r_1.A$ to $r_2.B$ |
referential-integrity constraint | a double-head arrow from $r_1.A$ to $r_2.B$ |
类型 | 特点 | 代表 |
imperative | 用户直接给出操作序列;改变状态变量 | |
functional | 函数式操作;不改变状态变量 | relational algebra |
declarative | 用户不直接给出操作步骤 | tuple/domain relational calculus |
若两个关系 $r_1,r_2$ 的属性相同(或更一般的可比),则有以下集合运算:
名称 | 符号 | 示例 |
union | $r_1\cup r_2\coloneqq\qty{t \mid t\in r_1 \lor t\in r_2 }$ | $\Pi_{courseID}(\sigma_{year=2017}(section))\cup\Pi_{courseID}(\sigma_{year=2018}(section))$ |
intersect | $r_1\cap r_2\coloneqq\qty{t \mid t\in r_1 \land t\in r_2 }$ | $\Pi_{courseID}(\sigma_{year=2017}(section))\cap\Pi_{courseID}(\sigma_{year=2018}(section))$ |
set-difference | $r_1 - r_2\coloneqq\qty{t \mid t\in r_1 \land t\notin r_2 }$ | $\Pi_{courseID}(\sigma_{year=2017}(section))-\Pi_{courseID}(\sigma_{year=2018}(section))$ |
名称 | 符号 | 示例或备注 |
select | $\sigma_P(r)\coloneqq\qty{t \mid t\in r \land P(t)}$ | $\sigma_{salary>10000}(instructor)$ |
project | $\Pi_{A_{i_1},\dots,A_{i_k}}(r)$$\coloneqq\qty{(t.A_{i_1},\dots,t.A_{i_k})\mid (t.A_1,\dots,t.A_n)\equiv t\in r}$ | $\Pi_{name,salary}(instructor)$ |
Cartesian product | $r_1\times r_2\coloneqq\qty{(t_1,t_2) \mid t_1\in r_1 \land t_2\in r_2 }$ | $instructor \times teaches$ |
join | $r_1\bowtie_\theta r_2\coloneqq \sigma_\theta(r_1\times r_2)$ | $instructor \bowtie_{instructor.ID=teaches.ID} teaches$ |
natural join | $r_1\bowtie r_2$ | 相当于 $r_1\bowtie_\theta r_2$ 中的 $\theta$ 为 $r_1$ 与 $r_2$ 的同名属性值相同 |
assignment | $r_2 \leftarrow r_1$ | $r_2$ 只因为临时关系,否则将改变数据库状态 |
rename | $\rho_x(r)$ or $\rho_{x(A_1,\dots,A_n)}(r)$ | 将 关系 $r$ 重命名为 $x$ 并将属性重命名为 $A_1,\dots,A_n$ |
表示,成员为 key : value
对,其中 key
为 attribute name,value
"ID": 22222,
"name": { "firstname": "Albert", "lastname": "Einstein" },
"deptname": "Physics",
"children": [
{"firstname": "Hans", "lastname": "Einstein" },
{"firstname": "Eduard", "lastname": "Einstein" }
<course_id> CS-101 </course_id>
<title> Intro. to Computer Science </title>
<dept_name> Comp. Sci. </dept_name>
<credits> 4 </credits>
以 triples 表示数据,每个 triple 是形如 (subject, predicate, object)
(id, attribute_name, value)
(id1, relationship_name, id2)
Knowledge graph:以 subject/object
为 node,predicate
为 edge。
create type Person (
ID varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20), address varchar(20)
) ref from(ID);
create table people of Person;
insert into people (ID, name, address) values ('12345', 'Srinivasan', '23 Coyote Run');
create type Student under Person (degree varchar(20));
create type Teacher under Person (salary integer);
In PostgreSQL:
create table students (degree varchar(20)) inherits people;
create table teachers (salary integer) inherits people;
In SQL-1999:
create table people of Person;
create table students of Student under people;
create table teachers of Teacher under people;
In either case:
insert into student values ('00128', 'Zhang', '235 Coyote Run', 'Ph.D.');